Failure to sign IHSS provider agreement

Previously, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) instructed that IHSS providers who did not sign the SOC 846 provider agreement by April 29, 2017 would be terminated from the program.  CDSS has rescinded this policy.  CDSS states that most providers completed and returned the SOC 846 and all providers have received the information contained in the SOC 846. As a result, no disciplinary action will be taken against IHSS providers who do not sign and return the provider agreement.  (ACL 17-43, May 19, 2017.)

IHSS overtime exemption for extraordinary circumstances

CDSS has issued instructions about the IHSS overtime exemption for extraordinary circumstances.  The criteria and initial instructions for the IHSS overtime exemption for extraordinary circumstances are in ACL 16-22, summarized here.

CDSS’ new instructions address renewal of an extraordinary circumstances exemption.  All conditions on which the exemption was initially granted must remain the same for an exemption to be renewed.  If there has been any changes, the county must submit to CDSS a referral for a new exemption instead of renewal of the existing exemption.

Prior to submitting the renewal request, the recipients must explore and exhaust all options for hiring additional providers in the same manner as for the initial exemption request.  This includes contacting relatives, friends, neighbors or other people the recipient knows about their willingness to be a provider, contacting provider registries both in the county where the recipient lives and in neighboring counties, and utilizing alternative resources such a Regional Center services, to address issues with the recipient’s ability to tolerate an outside provider.

CDSS eliminated the requirement to perform a renewal at the next face-to-face reassessment when reassessment occurs before the end of the six month or one year period of the exemption.  However, requests for renewals must be submitted to CDSS by the county no less than 30 days before the exemption ends.

CDSS also clarified that counties determine when to submit exemption requests to CDSS and the county shall not submit either an initial referral or request to renew to CDSS if the county decides other resources are available.  (ACL 17-13, April 7, 2017.)

Confirmation number for IHSS applications

CDSS has issued instructions implementing AB 1797 about confirmation numbers for IHSS applications.  AB 1797 added Welfare and Institutions Code Section 12301.16 that requires counties to provide HIS applicants with a confirmation number upon receipt of an IHSS application.

CDSS will use the case number that is randomly assigned by the CMIPS II computer system as the confirmation number.  CDSS developed a notice called “Notice of Application Confirmation Number (SOC 2300)” for IHSS agencies to use when providing notification of the application confirmation number.  Counties must provide the confirmation number either verbally before the end of a telephone call during which an IHSS application is taken or in writing when the application is entered into CMIPS II.  (ACL 17-18, February 16, 2017.)

Position Statements in CDSS hearings

CDSS has issued instructions implementing AB 2346 about position statements.  Previously, public and private agencies other than the Department of Health Care Services were required to make paper copies of their position statements available to claimants at least two business days prior to the hearing.  AB 2346 extends this requirement to the Department of Health Care Services.  This means that position statements in Medi-Cal cases must now be made available two business days before the hearing.

In addition, position statements can now be provided to the claimant in one of three ways: 1) secure electronic transmission at least two business days before the hearing, with the claimant’s permission, and if the agency can comply with state and federal electronic privacy laws, 2) first class mail with mailing early enough for the claimant to receive the position statement two business days before the hearing, or 3) paper copy available at the appropriate office of the county welfare department two business days before the hearing, with public or private agencies that are not part of the county welfare department mailing a paper copy of the position statement to the county early enough for the county welfare department to make it available at least two business days before the hearing.

If electronic transmission does not apply, the county can choose whether to mail the position statement or make it available at the county welfare department office, but the county should discuss with the claimant how the claimant would prefer to receive the position statement.

If the position statement is not made available to the claimant two business days before the hearing or the agency modifies the position statement after providing it to the claimant, the claimant will have good cause to postpone the hearing.  The claimant must waive the 90 day deadline for a decision to get this postponement.  Because the postponement was caused by the county’s failure to provide the position statement as required, this postponement will be considered the claimant first postponement for purposes of evaluating subsequent postponement requests.

(ACL 17-21, February 16, 2017.)

Federal taxation of IHSS wages

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has announced that it will allow IHSS providers to self-certify that they live in the same home as the IHSS recipient for purposes of federal income taxes.

Internal Revenue Service Notice 2014-7 states that wages for an IHSS provider who lives in the same home as the recipient are not considered gross income for purposes of federal income taxes.  CDSS will allow self-certification that the IHSS provider lives with the recipient by submitting the SOC 2298 form.  Providers will only need to submit the form once.  If the living situation changes, the provider will need to submit the SOC 2299 form.

Wages will continue to be included as federally taxable income until the SOC 2298 form is submitted and processed.  CDSS Provider Bulletin, Live-In Provider Self Certification Information.

IHSS licensed health care professional certification

CDSS has issued instructions and forms to counties about certification from a licensed health care professional as a condition of eligibility for In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) benefits.  Counties are required to provide applicants with the SOC 873 certification form and SOC 874 instructions.  Applicants must submit the completed form within 45 days of receiving it from the county.  Applicants can submit alternative documentation if it contains the same information as the SOC 873 form.  The application will be denied if certification is not submitted within 45 days of the county providing the forms.

The health care certification is not the only factor in determining the need for IHSS services, but should be considered as one indicator of the need for services.  However, the IHSS application must be denied if the first two questions on the SOC 873 form are not answered yes by the licensed health care professional.  If the county believes the applicant should be eligible for IHSS despite not receiving yes answers to those questions, the form must be returned to the health care professional to be reconsidered.

Services cannot be authorized until the county has received certification from a licensed health care professional unless services are being requested on behalf of an applicant who is returning to the community from a hospital or nursing home and needs services to remain safely in the community or the applicant is at imminent risk of out-of-home placement.  ACL 16-78 (September 28, 2016).