ACIN I-13-14 : Implementation Of The New Statewide Minimum Wage (2/18/14)

The new minimum wage will impact IHSS provider rates.  The minimum wage for all industries will go up to $9.00 effective July 1, 2014, and to $10.00 per hour after January 1, 2016.Counties with an IHSS provider wage less than $9.00 per hour will be required to submit a PA Rate Change Request. The county Board of Supervisors approval will not be required for the minimum wage increase unless it is for a rate above the $9.00 per hour wage, or provides for an increase in the other components (i.e., payroll taxes, health benefits, or administrative costs).  [Download]

ACL 14-02: Coordinated Care Initiative–Certification Requirements For Agencies To Contract With A Managed Care Health Plan For The Provision Of IHSS (1/22/14)

Info on how to become certified by CDSS as a Qualified Agency to be able to contract. Qualified Agencies may provide IHSS to recipient who: 1) have been determined to be unable to function as the employer of the provider due to dementia, cognitive impairment, or other similar issues; 2) have been identified to need services under contract mode by the care coordination team ; or 3) are unable to retain a provider due to geographical isolation and distance, authorized hours, or other reasons. When a recipient who is severely impaired, is referred to a Qualified Agency, the Qualified Agency may provide emergency backup services, as needed, when a provider is unavailable due to vacation, illness, or other extraordinary circumstances, or the recipient is in the process of hiring or replacing a provider.  [Download]

ACIN I-76-13: Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) – Voluntary Provider Training Curriculum (12/27/13)

WIC Section 12330 required that DSS meet with stakeholders to develop a voluntary IHSS provider training “that addresses issues of consistency, accountability, and increased quality of care.”  This Notice releases the training, which is a compilation of training resources that include 15 topics and a variety of subtopics. [Download]

ACL 13-105: Updated Guidance On County Submission Of Annual Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Plans (12/24/13)

County instructions to meet the requirement for an annual IHSS Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) Plan.  The state will be issuing instructions later on the creation of a County Policy and Procedures site, where the “static” plan components set out in ACIN No. I-64-05 will be maintained.  Counties no longer need to report annually on these components.   [Download]