Info on Public Authority access, which will vary by the person’s “assigned Security Role.” [Download]
Info on Public Authority access, which will vary by the person’s “assigned Security Role.” [Download]
Phone number and email address for counties to get help with the new IHSS program.[Download]
And the nominee for the best IHSS short film… release of the new IHSS video (including closed captioning) for providers on filling out timesheets. By May 2013, it will be translated into Spanish, Armenian, and Chinese. [Download]
One of those “we really meant what we said” letters, this “reconfirms the State’s interpretation” regardings county requirements regardings provider wages and benefits. No state approval of negotiated rate? County pays the entire non-federal share. [Download]
Part of the Affordable Care Act/state plan requires client outreach and education materials. Ta da! Here are the voluntary training videos for IHSS recipients on how to select, manage, and dismiss care providers. CDSS, with county reps and Public Authority staff (but apparently not advocates), has created three Recipient Education videos: Introduction and Services, Hiring a Provider, and Supervising Your Provider. [Download]
Announcing the release the results of the survey mandated by SB 1104 to evaluate the implementation, impact, and recipient experiences with the Hourly Task Guidelines, the Quality Assurance Initiative, appeals/fair hearings, and other IHSS related activities. [Download]