ACL 12-22: Guidelines And Procedures For General Exceptions For Exclusionary Crimes For IHSS Providers (7/10/12)

Instructions to counties on implementing AB 1612’s changes to the list of convictions within the last 10 years that will bar provision of IHSS.  Known as “Tier 2” crimes, these are Sex crimes requiring sex offender registration; Physical crimes against a person; Crimes against property; Fraud and money crimes; Non-physical crimes against a person; Serious felonies not against a person or property.  Includes a review of the noticing, appeal and waiver rights. [Download]

ACL 12-33: Implementation Of Senate Bill 1041 As It Relates To Service Reductions In The In-Home Supportive Services Program (7/6/12)

This year’s budget trailer bill continues the 3.6% IHSS hours reduction from the prior year.  This letter implements that continued cut.  The new reduction of 3.6 percent to every IHSS recipient’s total authorized hours will be effective beginning August 1, 2012. Notices will be mailed beginning July 16, 2012. (The temp NOA is attached.) Recipients will still be able to choose which specific authorized IHSS services they want to reduce. The new 3.6 percent reduction will first be applied to any documented unmet need (other than protective supervision).

A county that receives a request for a reassessment during the 90 days following issuance of a NOA generated by the 3.6 percent reduction must evaluate whether the request’s purpose is to dispute the 3.6 percent reduction, or whether there has been a change affecting the recipient’s functional abilities.  IF the county decides it’s just to dispute the hour reduction, it shall not do the reassessment, but shall explain state hearing rights. [Download]


ACL 12-24: Release Of IHSS Recipient Education Materials (5/9/12)

Information on upcoming materials related to the state “Community First Choice Option” program, which includes a requirement to provide voluntary training for IHSS recipients on how to manage their IHSS care providers.  Although announcing the 15 new factsheets, they are not yet available (but will be “on or before” the end of May, with translated versions in Armenian, Spanish and Chinese, to be added by June 30, 2012.).  The ACL also links to the new Recipient Handbook.  [Download]