New outreach materials, with changes for 2012 include increases in earned income limits and the maximum credit amount that can be received, in English and Spanish. [Download]
New outreach materials, with changes for 2012 include increases in earned income limits and the maximum credit amount that can be received, in English and Spanish. [Download]
CalLearn restoration details. The suspension of the CalLearn program ended 7/1/12, but counties have until April 1, 2013 to restore their programs. Until the county Cal-Learn program is achieved, the county must continue to use the Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Teen Parent rules (including imposition of sanctions). (See ACLs 11-36 and 11-60). The one exception: beginning July 1, 2012 a pregnant teen with no high school diploma or equivalent and no other children may qualify for aid and services in the first or second trimester of her pregnancy, even if the county has not restored Cal-Learn. The letter includes instructions on how to handle former CalLearn participants, and those subject to the teen WTW rules during the suspension. Teens will not have to wait 90 days for bonuses. [Download]
Oops. Turns out that Adult Protective Services can’t have access to the MEDS database. APS does not have needs-based eligibility and thus APS access would run afoul of the rules re: access to the Social Security Administration data, which permits access only when the data is used for purposes of eligiblity. To address APS needs, DSS is developing “MEDSLite” which will provide access to needed information that is within the privacy and confidentiality restrictions. [Download]
County coding info for TCVAP folks (singles and families without children) so they can get cash aid. [Download]
The 2012 statewide Average Private Pay Rate (APPR) for nursing facility services is $7092. This is used in calculating the period of ineligibility for Medi-Cal due to transfers of nonexempt property for less than fair market value. Supersedes ACWDL 11-13. [Download]
Overview of procedures for seeking citizenship verification document for Path2Health applicants. Path2Health beneficiaries get a 60 day “reasonable opportunity” period to provide citizenship verification documentation. [Download]