ACL 13-96: CalWORKs And CalFresh: Revised SAWS Application Forms (12/11/13)

Revised public assistance application forms (and instructions for the counties) in preparation for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act January 1, 2014.  Includes new terms of art vocabulary!  (Interoperability and Horizontal Integration.)

ACA required the development of a “streamlined, multi-program application,” resulting in the new SAWs2 Plus application.

Effective January 1, 2014, individuals and families who wish to apply for CalFresh only should use the recently revised CF 285, and those indicating they want to apply for health care programs only, should use the DHCS Single Streamlined application (SSApp.) Attachment One
explains what application forms to use and when to use them.

The SAWS 1 has been revised to include the applicant’s preferred method of contact, email address, the ability to request messages via email.  It’s use will be limited to when people can’t complete a full application on the same day, in order to preserve the beginning date of aid.  [Download]

ACL 13-40: State Hearings Division Procedures In Processing Expedited State Hearing Requests (5/20/13)

At long last, the state hearing instructions on how to get an expedited hearing, and what they cover, is given it’s own ACL for increased “finadability.”  (The letter had been on the state hearing website, but buried in the “About Hearings” section.)  The letter includes a list of issues appropriate for Expedited Hearings, and “any other issue of urgency that the CDSS/SHD deems necessary.”  [Download]

ACIN I-51-12: The Customs And Border Protection Automation Of The Arrival/Departure Record Form I-94 And The Effect On SAVE Program Requests (10/25/12)

Well, obviously the USICS should consult with DSS before making any changes to their process!  The Customs and Border Protection division recently automated the admission process. The automation creates an electronically-generated I-94 number which will not be known to the applicant and will not match the number on the paper I-94.  (Bright, huh?) So, this will cause problems for using the SAVE immigration status verification system for benefits.  This letter suggests how to weather the changes.  [Download]