ACWDL 11-31: Lomeli Litigation Settlement Updates Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Income (SSI/SSP) Applicant and Recpient Medi-Cal Information Notices and Retroactive Eligibility Processing (08/17/11)

The Lomeli settlement agreement requires Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to send written notice to SSI/SSP applicants and recipients about the opportunity to receive retroactive Medi-Cal coverage for the three month period prior to the SSI/SSP application month.  This change will help ensure that SSI/SSP beneficiaries do not miss the window to request retroactive coverage. The letter instructs Counties how to process retroactive eligibility requests.  Beneficiaries should also be informed about the opportunity to seek reimbursement for medical costs incurred during the retro period and disability evaluation period. [Download]

ACIN I-67-11: Termination Of The County Requirement To Establish SSI Advocacy Programs For CAPI Recipients (9/30/11)

Passing on a change that happened 4 months ago.  As of July 1st, 2011, counties with 70 or more CAPI cases are no longer required to have advocacy programs to get folks onto SSI.  For the counties that choose to continue these programs after July 1, 2011, CDSS will reimburse those counties for admin costs through June 30, 2012, except for attorney or authorized representative fees.  Those fees will be reimbursed through the close of the first quarter of the current fiscal year which ends September 30, 2011. No further reimbursements for attorney or authorized
representative fees will be made after this date.  [Download]