Transmits the updated Welfare Fraud and Abuse Poster (PUB 109), with the request that counties prominently display it in their county offices. [Download]
Transmits the updated Welfare Fraud and Abuse Poster (PUB 109), with the request that counties prominently display it in their county offices. [Download]
The Hotline number goes statewide. Includes information and referral help. [Download]
California got $50 billion in ARRA funds for 2009-10, with $2.4 billion earmarked for California Department of Social Services programs. The Inspector General sent an advisory regarding prevention and detection of fraud in using these funds. “Counties should be especially vigilant in examining their programs for red flags during the initial application/bid process, spot-checking for potential fraud within their programs, and promoting awareness of each of the items listed in the advisory. (Not clients, but businesses going for these funds.) [Download]
A change in the civil rights annual plan review and approval process. Beginning 1/1/2010, counties must submit a full Plan two months prior to their on-site civil rights compliance review. Counties must report any significant
changes after submission, within 30 days of the change. Counties remain responsible for on-going duties, such as estimating population changes in order to have sufficient interpretation staff. [Download]
The final regulations implementing the Gomez case (grievance hearings if listed on the child abuse index) are out for public comment. The comment period closes January 13, 2010.
Information on the methodology CDSS uses to determine “cost savings” in the CalWORKs early and ongoing fraud and prosecution activities. [Download]