ACL 04-43 – IHSS in the Workplace (October 13, 2004)

Heads up for those working with individuals with disabilities in (or heading to) the workplace. This ACL implements AB 925 (which was effective January 1st, 2003!) which allows IHSS, PCSP, and the new IHSS Independence Plus Waiver (IPW) recipients to transfer service hours already authorized for use in the recipient’s home to a workplace in order to support employment. No additional hours, no new assessment. Ya gotta get county approval before doing the transfer. AB 925 coverage does not supplant employer ADA obligations. The services must be “necessary and relevant” to work. You can also transfer services needed to “obtain” work, such as job interviews or complying with pre-employment activities (including employer-offered or required training). [Download]

ACL 04-16 – In-home Supportive Services Provided to Participants In the Office of AIDS Programs (May 19, 2004)

While this ACL was issued to provide the updated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between IHSS and the CDSS, the real import is its reminders re: IHSS waivers. The ACL reminds county IHSS caseworkers and Medi-Cal Waiver Program (MCWP)/Case Management Program (CMP) case managers to coordinate the needs of the recipient, ensuring that MCWP/CMP services not supplant IHSS hours and to not decrease IHSS hours solely because MCWP/CMP has increased hours. [Download]