ACL 10-39: Roles and Responsibilities of the County Positions for Conducting Program Integrity/Anti-Fraud Activities in the IHSS Program

Assembly Bill X 4 19 provided funding for 78 special positions for that law’s anti-fraud initiative for the IHSS program. This ACL explains the scope of responsibilities for these special staff, whose roles differ from those of the “quality assurance” staff already working in IHSS administration. [Download]

ACIN I-44-10: Modifications To The NOA 350 Message Stuffer (5/26/10)

Notice of modifications to Notices to reflect the elimination of the SOC Buyout program and the replacement of the IHSS Plus Waiver program, which expired September 30, 2009, with the IHSS Plus Option (IPO) effective October 1, 2009. Counties are to continue to calculate the IHSS – Residual Program SOC amount for recipients who have a Medi-Cal SOC greater than zero. The NOA 350 message stuffer should be included any time this calculation is done and displayed on the NOA 690. [Download]

ACIN I-33-10: Expiration Of The IHSS Plus Waiver And Approval Of An State Plan Option (4/21/10)

Presto chageo, out with the old, in with the new. This notice informs counties that California got approved for a Social Security Act § 1915(j) Self-Directed Personal Assistance Services State Plan Option program, known as the IHSS Plus Option (IPO). The IPO became effective October 1, 2009. Read all about how to transition of the IHSS Plus Waiver (IPW) population to the IPO. [Download]