ACIN I-85-08: County Children’s Trust Fund Share Of Kids’ Plate Revenue (11/14/08)

Notice that the state is doing its own economic stimulus package: within the next 90 days it will distribute Kids’ Plate revenue (from the DMV sale kids license plates). The total revenue for SFY 2007-2008 is $1,264,000. Each county’s share is based on their proportion of the State’s children’s population age 0-18. The funds must be distributed as follows: • 50% to the Child Day Care Licensing Unit of the DSS Community Care Licensing Division; 25% to the DHS Childhood Injury Control Program within the California Department of Health Services; 22.5% to County Children’s Trust Funds; and 2.5% to the State’s Children’s Trust Fund. [Download]

IRS Revenue Ruling 2004-82

In this ruling, the IRS confirms, citing the legislative history of the low-income tax credit statute (I.R.C. Section 42), that evictions or terminations of tenancy from tax credit developments must be based on good cause. The ruling also provides that with respect to certifying or re-certifying eligibility to reside in a low-income tax credit unit, a tenant may submit a sworn self-certification that she or he is not receiving child support. The ruling also contains a discussion of the “available unit rule” as it relates to tenants whose income increases to above 140 percent of the tax credit income limitation. [Download]