The following changes to the Homeless Assistance (HA) program are now effective as of July 12, 2006, and must be implemented immediately:
• The maximum daily rate for temporary HA increased from $40 to $65 per day for families of four or fewer and $15 per day for each additional family member up to a maximum of $125 daily.
• Homelessness criteria is expanded to include families who receive a notice to pay rent or quit.
• The rent threshold for Permanent Homeless Assistance is changed from 80 percent of the maximum aid payment level to 80 percent of the total monthly household income (TMHI).
• Permanent Homeless Assistance is available to pay up to two months of rent arrearages to prevent eviction.
Each month of the rent arrearage payment shall not exceed 80 percent of the TMHI.
All these terms are also defined in the letter, which also has an informing notices. [Download]