This HUD Notice, PIH 2008-12, establishes new improved policies for “over-housed” families receiving enhanced vouchers following the loss of federally subsidized housing, e.g. project-based Section 8 opt outs, prepayment of HUD-subsidized mortgages. Prior to the issuance of this notice, if the bedroom size of a family’s unit exceeded the size that the family qualified for under the voucher subsidy standards based on family size, the family was deemed “over-housed” and if there was no “appropriately” sized unit for them to move into in the development in which the subsidy loss took place, the household would be forced to move elsewhere with less housing assistance. This placed a burden on a great many empty-nesters and seniors. Among other things, the Notice obligates the owner to identify all appropriately sized units for the over-housed family to move into and, if there are none, permits the family to remain in their original unit and receive a subsidy for the oversized unit until an appropriately sized unit becomes available.