ACIN I-23-08: IHSS Provider Direct Deposit (PDD) (3/27/08)

This ACIN provides descriptions of outreach and enrollment activities that will occur prior to implementation, the ongoing processes for administering PDD and modifications to CMIPS screens that will allow counties to identify payments made to providers via PDD.  The CDSS will be implementing PDD on May 1, 2008, as an optional way for providers to receive their IHSS payroll warrants.  Providers who wish to continue to receive their pay warrants in the mail do not need to return the Provider Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change/Cancellation form or take any other action.  Our buddies at EDS will distribute and process all PDD mailings, as well as enrollments, changes and cancellations.  When a deposit fails, EDS will request issuance of a paper warrant to the provider and the provider will be required to re-enroll in PDD.  [Download]