The Notice provides guidance to CWDs regarding the inclusion of on-line courses in a WTW plan and when it is appropriate to provide CalWORKs supportive services for individuals participating in approved on-line courses. This ACIN does not address study time (wait for that with bated breath). Bottom line: on-line courses are a form of eduation, and CWDs must allow on-line courses as an activity if they are consistent with the participant’s assessment and participation can be verified. However, if the assigned activity is available in more than one format, counties may adopt a policy of requiring one over another. CWDs have written standards on the approval of on-line courses, and must apply their policies equitably to all participants. CalWORKs participants assigned to on-line courses are eligible for supportive services including transportation, ancillary expenses, and child care. Child care services shall be provided based on the individual’s need for the services, taking into account scheduling and other factors, such as other WTW activities, transportation, disabilities, and other factors that may render it necessary to take the on-line course at a time other than during school hours. CWDs cannot deny child care on the basis that the course could be taken during night hours when the children are sleeping. Another letter will be issued on verifying participation and hours. [Download]