ACIN I-52-08: Prohibitions On Counties In Requesting Personally Identifying Information Of Victims Of Domestic Abuse From Service Providers In Awarding Grants (7/15/08)

SB 1491 limits the personally identifying information that counties may request from nongovernmental provides of domestic abuse services. It is unlawful for any entity to request or require that a victim service provider disclose personally identifying information regarding any of the persons to whom it is/has/is considering/has considered providing services; or request or require that a victim service provider use any computer software or system that requires the disclosure of personally identifying information (which the letter describes).

The law does allow counties to use an individual’s case number, his or her first name and year of birth, and/or the service provider’s client file number, but CDSS strongly encourages counties to reconsider the use of an individual’s first name in combination with any other information that can ultimately identify the individual. Counties should consider using the county’s case number and the provider’s internal case number for identification. 

The letter identifies a promising practice of establishing a centralized unit of specialized supportive services workers to handle only domestic abuse cases. [Download]