ACIN I-98-08: Impact Of The “Extension For Elderly And Disabled Refugees Act” On CAPI (12/23/08

CAPI recipients with a certain immigration status that they may be eligible for an extension of SSI. Under H.R. 2608, refugees and other humanitarian immigrants (asylees, persons granted withholding of deportation or removal, Cuban and Haitian Entrants, Amerasians, and victims of human trafficking) are now potentially eligible for SSI/SSP for at least two additional years. Applicants or recipients may be eligible if they meet certain Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) criteria. They may also be eligible for payment retroactive to October 1, 2008 regardless of when they request reinstatement to SSI/SSP. Counties are required to refer all recipients in the specified statuses to their local SSA office to apply for SSI/SSP. The notice instructs counties to do this even if the recipient does not meet one of the six LPR criteria. SSA has not yet published its final rules, and the state wants the referral in case the may qualify for SSI based on other criteria that has not yet been identified. [Download]