ACL 09-12: Implementation Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Of 2009; Temporary Increase In Benefits Of The Value Of The Thrifty Food Plan (2/27/09)

Economic stimulus hits the world of benefits: 13.6 percent temporary increase in Food Stamp; the increased benefit amount for a household will not be considered in any overissuance (O/I) determinations; increase in the minimum monthly benefit amount for 1 and 2 person households; elimination of the ABAWDS work requirements through September 30, 2010; QC hold harmless and error rate provisions.

In addition, Unemployment benefits will increase by $25 per week; a one-time payment of $250 for SSI, Railroad Retirement and Veterans and Veterans Disability Compensation or Pension recipients recipients; and tax credits of $400 ($800 for families filing a joint return).

The counties are to send a mass Change Notice for informing households of these provisions. [Download]