ACL 09-13: CalWORKs Child Care Programs Changes To Instructions Regarding The Regional Market Rate (RMR) Payment Ceilings And Family Fees (2/27/09)

This letter rescinds the portion of ACL 09-03 regarding the change in RMR ceiling payments and family fees for CalWORKs families. The recent budget legislation requires child care costs to continue to be reimbursed using the 2005 RMR payment ceilings. Also prohibited the assessment of a family fee for current CalWORKs cash aid recipients. CDSS “has learned that additional coordination and clarification with the California Department of Education (CDE)” is needed, so now tells the counties to continue to assess all CalWORKs child care recipients for a family fee if one would have been applied, until further notice. (Which seems contrary to law, but heh, Regs@ just reports what it says…) [Download]