ACL 11-09: Independent Living Program (ILP) For Non-Related Guardianships (1/19/11)

SB 654, added W&IC section 10609.45, effective January 1, 2011. The statute now provides for new ILP eligibility requirements for former dependent children that entered into a non-related legal guardianship on or after the age of eight, who are getting permanent placement services. The law also includes youth in counties operating under the Title IV-E Waiver Capped Allocation Demonstration Project who are placed with a non-related legal guardian, even if they are not receiving permanent placement services.  Counties are to use state funds to provide ILP services to youth placed with non-related legal guardians between the ages of 8 and 15 years old. These youth are eligible for federally funded ILP services at ages 18-21 as “former foster youth,” and if they were dependents getting foster care at age 16. [Download]