CMSP ACL 14-08: CMSP Policy on Determination of Other Health Coverage Under Covered California (10/15/14)

The CMSP Governing Board issued this letter to update its current policy regarding Covered California eligibility to reflect Open Enrollment dates of November 15, 2014, to February 15, 2015.

The policy is largely unchanged.  If a CMSP application is received during the period between the first day of Covered California open enrollment and 15 days before the end of open enrollment, that application is considered “subject to the Covered California open enrollment period.”  As such, CMSP applicants who are not eligible for Medi-Cal must provide evidence of application for and first month’s premium payment of Covered California participation.  Those applicants not subject to the open enrollment period (here, starting 2/1/15) must provide evidence of termination from Covered California for lack of monthly premium payment and lack of eligibility for a special enrollment period.