WTW requirements for Pregnant Woman Only Assistance Units

The California Department of Social Services has issued instructions about Welfare-to-Work (WTW) requirements for Pregnant Woman Only (PWO) Assistance Units. Pregnant women with no other eligible children in the home are now eligible for CalWORKs beginning in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Unless exempt from WTW, PWOs must participate for 20 hours per week to meet minimum participation requirements because they are considered a household with a child under age 6.  However, to meet federal participation requirements, PWOs must participate 30 hours per week, 20 hours of which much be in a federally approved activity.  If a PWO meets the 20 hours per week minimum but not the 30 hours per week federal requirement, the PWO’s 24 month clock ticks. ACL 16-21 (April 15, 2016).