The Employment Development Department (EDD) is resuming the work search requirement for Unemployment Insurance starting July 11, 2021. EDD will be sending notices to claimants to inform them that the work search requirement will be reinstated.
For Unemployment Insurance, reasonable efforts to search for suitable work will include preparing for job searches such as setting up an account on CalJOBS, expanding networks, applying for suitable work and participating in training.
For Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, the work search requirement can include rebuilding businesses, expanding networks, establishing accounts on platforms to advertise services, and participating in training. Persons receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance who no longer want to continue self-employment, or were previously employed but not eligible for regular Unemployment Insurance benefits, can search for work like a regular Unemployment Insurance recipient.
If an employer furloughed or laid off workers during the pandemic, the Work Sharing Program can help bring these employees back at reduced hours. These employees can continue collecting the additional $300 per week in federal unemployment benefits, and a portion of their wages will be subsidized by the regular unemployment insurance benefits. (EDD News Release 21-36, June 17, 2021.)