Changes to Social Security overpayment policies

The Social Security Administration has announced four changes to its policies about overpayments.

  1. Reducing the default withhold for overpayments from Social Security benefits from 100 percent of monthly benefits to 10 percent of monthly benefits.
  2. Shifting the burden of proof away from the claimant when determining whether the claimant was at fault in causing the overpayment. This change should make it easier to have waiver of overpayment granted.
  3. Increasing the possible timeframe for a payment plan from 36 months to 60 months. This change should make it easier to enter into and follow repayment agreements.
  4. Making it easier to request waiver of overpayment. The policy is not specific about now it will be easier to request waiver of overpayment.

(Social Security Dear Colleague Letter, March 20, 2024.)

Posted in SSI