ACIN I-28-06 – IHSS Q & A Regarding Eligibility and Assessment (April 11, 2006)

Fun stuff about the changes thanks to the “Plus Waiver” program (called “IHSS-IPW”). Things like “in how many waivers may a person participate” (one 1115, several 1915’s, but never more than one 1115), who stays in residual IHSS, and whether they get state Medi-Cal, issues regarding parental/spousal care providers. Of note: parents can work, but not full-time, to get paid through IHH-IPW, and protective supervision and respite care hours are permissible. [Download]

ACL 06-09 – CalWORKs Emergency Welfare-To-Work (WTW) Regulations (April 18, 2006)

The emergency WTW regulations implementing SB 1104 and 68 regarding “universal engagement” and “core” work activities are now out and attached to this ACL. The ACL also includes the new forms, most importantly, the new WTW 2 welfare-to-work plan document. Note: counties are now told that they should get a new WTW 2 whenever there is a change within the existing activity (like a change in schedule). [Download]

ACL 06-03 – Workers’ Compensation and IHSS providers (March 10, 2006)

Skipping the gory details, “the changes in SB 899 affect every employee in the State of California.” One change involves Worker’s Comp (“WC”) “Return to Work” programs. This impacts some, but not all, IHSS providers, as some, but not all, receive employer (i.e. state) provided workers’ comp. The State must provide WC to IHSS providers in the Individual Provider (IP) and the County Contract Modes. Accordingly, the State shall provide Return-to-Work and Supplemental Job Displacement benefits for these two modes. In addition, the State shall be responsible for the requirements to offer modified/alternative work to an injured employee under the IP Mode. Those program benefits are also described in the ACIN. [Download]

ACL 05-13E – Correction to ACL 05-13 – Relative & Nonrelative Extended Family Member (February 15, 2006)

Like Mercedes, the E series is only better. This follows up on an earlier letter (ACL 05-13), informing counties they needed to make a determination and approval of fostercare placements within 30 days. Most of this letter is an unusually legalistic analysis of county determinations regarding assessing relatives prior to foster care placements, and other technical stuff for social workers. What you really want from this letter, as advocates, is the list explaining the 5th degree of relatedness. Great party skill, and useful for welfare applicants. Just remember, Kevin Bacon is the 6th degree. [Download]

ACIN I-11-06 – 2006-7 – Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents Waivers (February 22, 2006)

Finally. Remember the Hokey-Pokey? Well, elgibile counties now all have their fee IN the ABAWD waiver program, and must have their Board of Supervisors vote to take their fee OUT if they want to be curmudgeonly. So, those counties that have high unemployment (throughout or by zip) can allows single folk more food stamps that the oh-so-generous 3 months out of 3 years that welfare reform got ‘em. [Download]