ACL 11-49: CalFresh Eligibility and Budgeting of Anticipated Unemployment Insurance Income (8/11/2011)

Shedding further light on what CDSS thinks the term “reasonably anticipated” means, this ACL explains when to use expected unemployment benefit income in prospective quarterly budgeting.  That income is only “reasonably anticipated” and countable when a CalFresh recipient has (1) been formally notified, in writing, of a pending unemployment insurance benefit award, (2) when that benefit amount is known, and (3) the date of expected receipt is known.  It also clarifies that an unemployment benefit award received mid-quarter that was not reasonably anticipated during budgeting will not create an over-issuance. [Download]

ACIN I-46-11: Federal Fiscal Year 2012 Plan Template, Policy Guidelines and Allocations for Counties Participating in the CalFresh Employment and Training Program (8/9/2011)

By September 28 participating counties are required to submit their FFY 2012 plan for CalFresh Employment and Training (E&T) to the state or they risk having their share of E&T funding reallocated among those counties that do submit a plan on time.  This notice provides a “how to” guide for counties to develop programs that are consistent with CDSS policies and procedures.  [Download]

ACIN I-44-11: Child Care Monthly Report CalWORKs Families [CW 115(7/11)] and Child Care Monthly Report Two-Parent Families [CW 115A(7/11)] During Cal-Learn FY 11-12 Suspension Period (7/26/2011)

Following up on ACL 11-36 that announced the one-year suspension of Cal-Learn through June 2012, this ACIN tells counties how to report the status of pregnant and parenting teens  receiving child care on CW 115 and 115A reports (the monthly reports on child care submitted to the state by counties). [Download]