ACWDL 09-04: Interim guidance same sex marriages (2/9/09)

Medi-Cal eligibility for couples of the same sex who were married in California between June 16 and November 4 2008 will be determined according to the instructions in ACWDL 09-03. This letter also applied to couples of the same sex who were legally married in other states and are current residents of California. This interim guidance may change based on the outcomes of pending lawsuits. [Download]

ACWDL 09-03: The Domestic Partners Rights and Responsibilities Act of 2003 (2/9/09)

In 2005 AB 205 gave registered domestic partners (RDP) the rights and responsibilities of spouses under California law; this letter details how Medi-Cal eligibility will be determined for RDPs. This letter also applies to couples who have entered into legal unions in other states that are substantially equivalent to RDPs, not including marriage. Most Medi-Cal programs are based on federal law and receive federal funding; DHCS has determined that AB 205 has no eligibility impact on those federal Medi-Cal programs. RDPs with mutual children will be treated as unmarried parents. DHCS has determined that AB 205 will impact eligibility for certain State-only funded Medi-Cal programs. The letter works through several eligibility scenarios, some involving CalWORKs and some involving Medi-Cal only determinations. [Download]

ACWDL 09-02: Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program (1/16/2009)

Several changes to increase the participation in the HIPP program became effective January 1, 2008 (they say, could they have meant 2009?). Some of the changes are: Having a share of cost of over $200 is no longer an automatic disqualifier. If someone does not have a medical condition predetermined by DHCS to be cost effective, a cost effective test will be conducted based on the individuals coverage, share of cost, premium cost, and the annual cost of the condition. HIPP will pay for additional family members’ premiums if the individual and family premium costs cannot be separated. [Download]