ACIN I-76-09: Kinship/Foster Care Emergency Fund (11/5/09)

The purpose of the Kinship/Foster Care Emergency Fund is to enable successful emergency placement of a child with a relative, nonrelative extended family member (NREFM), or foster parent by removing barriers to such a placement. The fund may also be used to retain a placement when there are extenuating circumstances and to assist a prospective relative, NREFM, or foster family home applicant in meeting the requirements to provide care to a child. All expenditures of this funding are to be for one-time needs and not to pay for recurring expenses. The need must not be covered by other funding sources, such as Specialized Care Incentives and Assistance Program (SCIAP) or clothing allowance. Includes examples and a list of county allocations. [Download]

ACIN I-77-09: Earned Income Tax Credit Outreach Publications – 2009 Revisions (11/17/09)

Just announcing the new EITC outreach publications, revised for tax year 2009, to reflect increased income and credit limits and the ARRA temporary increase in the EITC for taxpayers with three or more qualifying children. ARRA also changed the Child Tax Credit (CTC) rules to allow taxpayers with lower income to qualify for the benefit. The publications also tell folks how to get advance EITC, how to file for retroactive EITC back three years, and referral phone numbers and websites for information on how to get free tax help. English on one side and Spanish on the other… [Download]

ACIN I-74-09: Voluntary Placement Agreements (10/26/09)

A reminder of the steps the county must take for children placed in out-of-home care under a Voluntary Placement Agreement (VPA). If the child is not going to be returned home to his/her parent within the first 180 days, the CWD must either file a petition to have the minor declared a dependent child or refer the minor to a licensed adoption agency for consideration of adoptive planning. The court findings that must be made within the first 180 days of a voluntary placement of a child into foster care in order to ensure federal eligibility should the placement continue beyond the 180 days. [Download]

ACL 09-62: Food Stamp Waiver Of Face-To-Face Interview (10/23/09)

Instructions on the waiver of the FS in-person interview at initial application and recertification for all food stamp households at county option. If a county opts to take advantage of the waiver, it must be done on a county-wide basis. “Implementing this waiver will reduce the application process burden for the household, increase timeliness, increase program access, decrease the volume of activity in the local offices, and remove barriers that prevent households from completing an interview.” The letter lists when the in-person interview is required, too. [Download]