ACL 09-16: Approvals For Prospective Adoptive Applicants (3/12/09)

AB 2651 was an urgency measure, effective October 1, 2008, which amended California’s adoption approval process for prospective adoptive parents/petitioners to meet federal requirements. This ACL outlines the obligations of CDSS and all licensed public and private adoption agencies in the State of California (including independent and intercountry). These provisions prohibit the final approval of a prospective adoptive applicant/petitioner, or any adult residing in the applicant’s home, if they have certain felony convictions. The types of convictions, and the ban (permanent or fixed period) on adoptions is listed.

Additionally, under the new law, any home study not approved prior to October 1, 2008 must be denied when either the applicant or any adult residing in the home has any of the felony convictions specified in FC 8712 and 8908. (When non-applicant adults are the problem, adoptive applicants maintain the option of removing those adults from the home and then proceeding with the assessment). The letter also reviews the process for receiving information about subsequent convictions (during or after the approval process). [Download]

ACL 09-10: Intercountry Adoptions (2/27/09)

Passes on recently enacted federal and state law changes that impact intercountry adoptions. Public adoption agencies do not need to be accredited to practice these types of adoptions, but should be aware that the requirements for emigrating children need to be followed for all children emigrating to be adopted in a foreign country. The letter provides information on the accreditation process, provisional licenses, providers, home studies, and other requirements. [Download]

ACL 09-01: New ‘Request For Verification’ Form (CW 2200) For Verifying Eligibility In The CalWORKs And Food Stamp Programs (3/12/09)

Transmits a new, statewideRequest for Verification” form for verifying eligibility. Consistency and efficiency rules! The form informs clients of their rights and responsibilities in regards to verifying their eligibility. It informs clients that they can ask for help if they are having trouble getting verification and that counties can help pay for verification if necessary. It also provides suggested types of acceptable verification and includes a client authorization for release of information so that counties can work directly with a third party to obtain verification when necessary. It will be translated into 17 languages.

This form is not intended to be used to verify hours of participation in work activities. [Download]

ACL 09-09: Relative Caregivers and Permanency Options (2/23/09)

Notice of changes brought about by AB 298 regarding how legal guardianship for a relative is considered as a permanency placement option. 1) a relative caregiver’s preference for legal guardianship over adoption, unrelated to an unwillingness to accept legal or financial responsibility for the child, cannot be the sole basis for recommending the removal of a child from the relative caregiver for adoptive placement; 2) requires that a relative caregiver be given information regarding the options of guardianship and adoption. To “ensure consistency” the state has provided an optional form; 3) changes the order of preference for permanent placement of the child. The the second option, after that of termination of parental rights, is now appointing the relative caretaker the legal guardian; 4) requires the court, under certain circumstances, to not terminate parental rights if the child is living with a relative who is unable or unwilling to adopt the child, unrelated to an unwillingness to accept legal or financial responsibility for the child, but who is willing to be the legal guardian, when removal of the child would be detrimental; 5) changes to the report that the county must prepare. [Download]