ACIN I-14-14E: errata: Work Incentive Nutritional Supplement (WINS) Food Supplment (5/30/14)

The errata changes some “must” to “should”, clarification on Transitional CalFresh eligibility is unchanged, but if the household income is over 200% FPL, they won’t get the WINS payment.  The errata also clarifies mid-period reporting: SAR reporters who report working to get the WINS payment should be informed of the overall negative impact the reporting may have on the benefits (benefits reduced for work income larger than WINS supplement, and not acted upon unless the reported was “Verified Upon Receipt”; if change reporters report income, it must be processed regardless of any allotment reduction.  Includes revised forms with clarifying language.  [Download]

ACL 14-54: Agricultural Act Of 2014 (Farm Bill): CalFresh Changes (5/29/14)

Implementing instructions regarding changes to the SNAP program that impact CalFresh.  Certain provisions require “immediate” implementation, while others cannot be implemented until the federal rulemaking process is completed.  Of note, there was a change to the “Heat and Eat” LIHEAP/SUA provisions…which are addressed in the budget trailer bill.  (States had to meet a higher contribution to allow all households to get the SUA.) Therefore, contingent upon approval of the Governor’s May Revision Budget, CWDs must provide the SUAS payment for all ongoing households which will benefit from receiving the SUAS payment with certification periods effective April, May, June, July, August, September and October 2014 no later than
November 30, 2014. Ongoing households, which will benefit from receiving the SUAS payment recertified on or after November 1, 2014 must be provided with the SUAS payment no later than the last day of the first month of their new certification period.

The Farm Bill also prohibits certain “recruitment, ” banning billboard, TV, and  radio ads that promote enrollment in the program.  [Download]

DHCS ACWDL 14-27: Additional Express Lane Enrollment Guidance (6/16/14)

This letter clarifies questions about the CalFresh Express Lane Enrollment procedures for Medi-Cal, particularly about aid code 7S (those individuals eligible for Medi-Cal under pre-ACA rules).

  • Parents, guardians and caretakers relatives are to be put in aid code 7S as opposed to aid code 7U. These individuals will be eligible even if a child is not on CalFresh or Medi-Cal; the children only have to meet the age and residence requirements.
  • DHCS will transfer Medicare beneficiaries in Express Lane aid codes to aid code 7S.
  • Those who are found ineligible for CalFresh will be sent RFTHIs to determine Medi-Cal eligibility.

Additionally, the letter discusses discontinuance NOAs for Express Lane beneficiaries upon change of circumstances or expiration.  NOAs will be generated by SAWS, and beneficiaries will be referred for APTC/CSR determinations with a special enrollment period.

Finally, Express Lane enrolled individuals are eligible for retroactive months of coverage up to February 2014.  For determination of months before February, individuals will need to submit a RFTHI (for January 2014) or a full pre-ACA application (for December 2013 and before).

ACIN I-14-14: Work Incentive Nutritional Supplement (WINS) Food Supplement (3/28/14)

Information and instructions regarding the WINS program and its designated aid codes.  WINS is a food benefit which applies to CalFresh only Non-Assistance households, which are not getting CalWORKs, but who who meet the qualifications for TANF work participation hours through work, and have at least one child in the household who is under 18 years old. If eligible, the WINS benefit is automatically added to the household’s EBT card. WINS eligibility is determined for the household a) at application, b) when the household reports a change, or c) at recertification, and continues on a monthly basis for so long as the household remains eligible.  [Download]