CalWORKs MBSAC increase

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has informed counties that the CalWORKs Minimum Basic Standard of Care (MBSAC) will increase by 4.32% effective July 1, 2024. This is an annual cost of living increase. This will increase the MBSAC in Region 1 to $899 for a 1 one-person assistance unit, $1,476 for a two-person assistance unit, $1,829 for a 3 person assistance unit and increasing with increases in assistance unit size. The MBSAC for Region 2 will increase to $853 for a 1 one person assistance unit, $1,401 for a 2 person assistance unit, $1,736 for a 3 person assistance unit and increasing with increases in assistance unit size.

The MBSAC is the maximum income before deductions that a family can have to be eligible for CalWORKs.

The same increase will apply to the MBSAC for Refugee Cash Assistance, Entrant Cash Assistance and Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program. The same increase will apply to the CalWORKs Income in-kind level, which is the maximum amount of in kind income that is counted against the grant. (ACL 24-37, May 31, 2024.)

Changes to CalWORKs Home Visiting Program

The California Department of Social Services has issued process changes regarding County Welfare Departments (CWD) and the CalWORKs Home Visiting Program (HVP). CalWORKs HVP is a voluntary program that supports the health, development, and education of parenting individuals and infants born into poverty. HVP participants must meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Either pregnant or the caretaker of a child less than 24 months of age at the time of program enrollment
  2. Either
    1. A member of a CalWORKs assistance unit; or
    2. The parent or caretaker relative for a child-only case; or
    3. Apparently eligible for CalWORKs aid

Following the 2024-2025 ACWDL letter, the process for continuing country participation in HVP programs has changed. CWD’s that opt to maintain CalWORKs HVP eligibility (while keeping the same evidence-based model) are no longer required to complete a county plan application on a annual basis. Bi-annual county plans are replaced by a directors certification. The CWD certification requires the following:

  1. Provide CWD primary contact information.
  2. Provide caseload projections.
  3. Confirm the evidence-based home visiting model for HVPs.
  4. List all home visiting partners and their primary contact information.
  5. Review mandatory criteria for implementing the program and any additional criteria.
  6. Agree to terms and assurances, including operating within relevant laws, regulations, program guidance, and the HVP county plan.

The process for new county participation in HVP has changed. CWDs must create a county plan and submit it to the CDSS. CWDs must work with home visiting partners to complete the application. This includes information about proposed and selected county partners and an explanation of how the partnership will provide the best services for CalWORKs recipients. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) must be submitted with the RFCP application. The MOU should list specific roles and responsibilities of the CWD and home visiting agencies, including data sharing, reporting, distribution, collection of consent forms, enrollment, outreach, and claiming of funds.

If CWDs choose to add or change the HVP plan on file with the California Department of Social Services, they must submit a new county plan. Changes to county HVP’s require CDSS approval prior to implementation.  (ACWDL, April 10, 2024.)

CalWORKs Family Reunification

The California Department of Social Service (CDSS) has updated its guidance regarding the implementation of Assembly Bill (AB) 135 which authorized cash aid and child care services for up to six months as a part of the CalWORKs Family Reunification (FR) program. The bill also increased temporary absence for purposes of family reunification to six full months. It established two separate Family Reunification processes: one for cases with cash aid and reunification services, and one for only reunification services.

Once programming in the Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS) is complete, individuals who were a part of the CalWORKs Assistance Unit (AU) when their children were temporarily placed in out-of-home care by the Child Welfare Services (CWS) will be eligible for cash grants, child care, and reunification services for up to six months if the following conditions are met: all CalWORKs-eligible children were removed by the county CWS, the AU received CalWORKs cash aid when removed, and the child welfare services agency or court has determined that the services mentioned above are necessary for reunification.

Upon receiving the FR recommendation for cash aid, the CalWORKs worker must start FR services under the plan and continue the cash grant for a maximum of six months. A court order is not needed to start FR. Existing plans that do not have a recommendation for cash aid must be amended before cash aid approval. All members of AU, when eligible children were removed, will remain members of AU and will continue to be aided when the reunification plan comes with cash aid provisions. However, if no parent was aided at the time of the children’s removal then the family is not eligible for any reunification services or cash aid. The only exception is when the parent(s) is WTW-sanctioned.

Under existing FR policy if at least one eligible child remains in the home and the parent is eligible for a cash grant, the parent is not a reunification parent and they are not a reunification family. Once the child placed in out-of-home care is no longer considered temporarily absent they must be removed from the AU and remaining eligible AU members will retain benefits. If one eligible child remains in the home but the remaining AU members become ineligible for cash grants following removal of a child, the remaining people in the home may become an FR family when a reunification plan is authorized. If all children are removed and reunification is not recommended, the family is not eligible for any services.

According to existing policy, a member of the AU can be temporarily absent for one full calendar month and remain eligible for CalWORKs. In the case of FR, a child can be removed from the home for up to six months, with the CWS having the ability to grant good cause extensions. Good cause is limited to the number of days between removal and completion of the reunification plan, and time to complete the reunification plan. Cash aid for FR is limited to a maximum of six months and can’t be extended. When a child is removed the CalWORKs worker must consider the child temporarily absent for up to a month even though a reunification plan hasn’t been established. In the case that a month ends without notification of the necessity of FR, then the case must be discontinued.

While participating in FR, Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) requirements apply with the reporting cycle remaining unchanged. Cash aid for reunification must stop at the end of the mandatory six-month temporary absence period or earlier if ineligibility is found based on the SAR7. All mandatory and voluntary reporting remains in effect when a reunification case gets cash aid. The county must discontinue FR if the family is found ineligible or if the plan is terminated. Reunification cases receiving only reunification services are subject to a six-month CalWORKs eligibility redetermination when reunification is complete. Failure to submit a SAR7 or complete redetermination results in a discontinuation of aid unless an exemption is provided. If a child is removed or reunification is recommended after discontinuance due to failure to comply with semi-annual reporting, the CalWORKs worker should look for good cause to restore or rescind the case.

Families must be engaged with a County Welfare Department when it is determined that FR is necessary and that children have been removed. To receive cash aid adults must participate in Welfare to Work (WTW) activities unless an exemption has been granted. All WTW sanctions, penalties, and overpayments remain in effect while participating in FR. County Welfare Departments are encouraged to engage with FR parents to assist in curing sanctions through exemptions and good cause.

CalWORKs time on aid remains unchanged.  If a parent reaches their 60-month limit while in FR and they don’t meet extender criteria, then the parent must be removed from the AU. The parents will also not be eligible for any reunification services.

Reunification families experiencing homelessness may also be eligible for certain services including the CalWORKs Temporary Homeless Assistance, the CalWORKs Housing Support Program, and Bringing Families Home. Reunification cases are also eligible for CalFresh benefits to continue. Families in FR are not eligible for cash-linked Medi-Cal and will be re-evaluated for Medi-Cal eligibility and if ineligible should be screened for other programs.  (ACL 23-94, November 7, 2023.)

Changes to CalWORKs student rules

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has informed counties about changes to CalWORKs student rules.  These changes modify the student program established by SB 1232, and implemented by ACL 21-04E, summarized here.  CDSS is now calling this program Student Training and Education Program (STEP).  The program includes standard supportive services payments, not needed to complete job search, and welfare-to-work counting three hours of study time for each hour of class time.

The most important change is STEP participants are no longer required to participate in welfare-to-work activities during school breaks.  This includes within terms and between terms, winter and summer breaks, and transfer periods between institutions.  This means that bridging activities and bridging activity plans can no longer be required.  STEP participants can volunteer to participate during breaks and are entitled to supportive services in the same way that all volunteer participants are.

The STEP program now includes non-profit postsecondary institutions in addition to public postsecondary institutions.

Students who are not eligible for STEP must not be enrolled in a Self-Initiated Program instead.

For purposes of STEP, summer sessions are counted as quarters.  This means that full time students in the summer get a $375 standard supportive services payment, and part-time students get a $175 standard supportive services payment.

Counties no longer need to do a welfare-to-work plan for each new academic term.  However, students must have a plan to get supportive services. Counties cannot require a plan prior to advance paying supportive services.

Counties may now calculate a part-time STEP participant’s hours using either academic units or instruction hours.  Whether a student is full-time or part-time is determined by the institution.

STEP participants cannot be required to participate in orientation and appraisal more than once, unless the participant has had a break of at least one year in receiving aid or supportive services.  (ACL 24-32, May 10, 2024.)

Lottery winnings match

The Income and Eligibility and Verification (IEVS) system now a has match with the California Lottery. The system will provide monthly reports of people who received over the maximum allowable resources for a CalFresh or disabled household.

Federal law requires CalFresh households to report substantial lottery and gambling winnings during the certification period within 10 days of receiving the winnings.  Substantial winnings is defined as a cash prize won in a single game, purchase of a ticket, hand or similar bet, which is equal to or greater than the resource limit for CalFresh elderly or disabled households.

The reason for this match is to comply with federal requirements.

When there is a match, counties must review the case information to determine if the household reported the lottery winnings.  Case narration is acceptable as a report of lottery winnings.  If the winnings have not been reported, the county must send a verification letter to the household within 45 days.  If the recipient does not respond to the letter with sufficient information to resolve the discrepancy, the county must discontinue the entire household. A household that is discontinued can reapply at any time, but the household cannot be considered categorically eligible for CalFresh.

For CalWORKs, the assistance unit must be terminated if the lottery winnings take the household above the current CalWORKs resource limit.  (ACL 24-29, April 24, 2024.)

Verification and eligibility for public benefits for public interest parolees

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued guidance regarding verification and eligibility for persons paroled into the United States under Immigration and Naturalization Act section 212(d)(5), also known as public interest parolees, when determining eligibility for CalWORKs, CalFresh, California Food Assistance Program (CFAP), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), and Entrant Cash Assistance (ECA).

When someone entering the United States is granted parole status at a port of entry or District Office, they are given a DT code.

People who are paroled into the United States are eligible for CalWORKs.  In verifying parole status for CalWORKs, counties must accept documentation showing the DT code and the length of parole, and must not ask for additional verification.  Counties can ask for additional verification or run a SAVE match if the length of parole is unclear.  Counties must review CalWORKs applications received after June 30, 2023 and were denied for failure to provide additional verification of parole status, and retroactively approve aid if the family is otherwise eligible.  When the recipient’s parole term expires, counties must evaluate whether the family meets another eligible noncitizen category.

Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible parolees are eligible for RCA or ECA if they meet all other program eligibility requirements.  Any CalWORKs applicant with a DT code who is found ineligible for CalWORKs should be evaluated for RCA and ECA. Counties must review RCA applications received after June 30, 2023 and were denied for failure to provide additional verification of parole status, and retroactively approve aid if the family is otherwise eligible.

To be eligible for CalFresh, a parolee must have a duration of parole into the United States of at least one year, and must have been in the United States for 5 years.

To be eligible for CFAP, a parolee must have a duration of parole into the United States of at least one year.  CFAP does not have the 5 year waiting period requirement. (ACL 24-27, April 24, 2024.)