COVID-19 end of foster care flexibilities

The California Department of Social Services has issued guidance regarding the end of flexibilities in the foster care program because of COVID-19.

Rate flexibility for continued funding of an emergency caregiver pending approval as a Resource Family or Tribally Approved home beyond 365 days expired on July 1, 2021.  The approval to use COVID-19 as a static criteria to issue the Static Rate or Family Only Rate expired on July 1, 2021.  Alternative funding models and individualized rates for children to remain in the least restrictive, most family-like setting possible remain available.

Waiver of the 50 percent investigation fee and the 180 day time frame for court report submission for independent adoptions expired effective July 1, 2021.

Extension of the timeframe for required medical and dental examinations beyond 30 days for children placed out of home expired effective July 1, 2021.  Children placed out of home on or before June 30, 2021 must receive their examinations on or before July 31, 2021.

The option for counties to waive the age limit and length of stay for Transitional Housing Plus expired on July 1, 2021.  The ability for counties to temporarily approve a Supervised Independent Living Placement pending forms submission by the nonminor dependent also expired effective July 1, 2021.  The ability for counties to virtually inspect Supervised Independent Living Placements has not expired.

For Extended Foster Care, the following provisions continue to apply until September 30, 2021: 1) nonminor dependents should continue to get Extended Foster Care placement, services and supports even if they reach age 21, 2) Youth who aged out of case on or after January 27, 2021 may reenter Extended Foster Care even if they have reached age 21, and 3) participation requirements are waived for Extended Foster Care, including nonminor dependents, young people age 21 or older, and yound people who re-enter Extended Foster Care.  (ACL 21-77, June 28, 2021.)

COVID-19 extension of emergency caregiver funding and foster care rate flexibilities

Emergency caregivers with whom a child has been placed pending approval of the home as a Resource Family or Tribally Approved Home are eligible for emergency caregiver funding on behalf of the child for up to 120 days while the application is being processed.  On a case-by-case bases, emergency caregiver funding can be extended up to 365 days.  Effective April 16, 2021, through June 30, 2021, emergency caregiver funding can continue beyond 365 days because of delays in approval as a Resource Family or Tribally Approved home caused by COVID-19.  Between April 16, 2021 and June 30, 2021, counties cannot discontinue emergency care funding if approval exceeds 365 days because of COVID-19.

The California Department of Social Services has authorized a higher payment rate because of COVID-19 between April 17, 2021 and June 30, 2021.  The higher rate is available which the child or another member of the household requires isolation or quarantine because of COVID-19, and as a result there are increased supervision needs, or the child requires a new placement because of COVID-19.  The higher rate is available to emergency caregivers.

COVID-19 has impacted capacity for Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program placements.  If COVID-19 has impacted the ability to received Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program level of care, counties can negotiate a higher rate with Family Foster Agencies who are willing to accept a child assessed as needing short-term residential therapeutic program level of care and is able to provide individualized exceptional care, supervision, and services.  (ACL 21-60, May 21, 2021.)

CalWORKs, CalFresh, and other programs treatment of rebates, refunds and credits under American Rescue Plan Act

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 contains several tax credits and rebates, including Earned Income Tax Credit, additional child tax credits, and child and dependent tax credits.  These individual rebates are excluded from consideration as income, and as an asset for 12 months after receipt for CalWORKs, CalFresh, Refugee Cash Assistance, Entrant Cash Assistance, Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program, Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payments, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, programs that fund foster care payments, Approved Relative Caregiver program, and Emergency Assistance funding.  (ACL 21-37, March 26, 2021.)

Housing supplement to the Transitional Housing Placement for Non-minor Dependents program

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued about the new housing supplement for Transitional Housing Placement for Non-minor Dependents (THP-NMD).  The Housing Supplement will be implemented in CalWIN counties beginning July 1, 2021, and September 1, 2022 for counties using the CalSAWS computer system.

NMDs who are not custodial parents are eligible for the Housing Supplement if the difference between the fair market value for one-half of a two bedroom apartment in the county where the NMD resides is more than 21.45% of the statewide THP-NMD rate.  NMDs who are  custodial parents are eligible for the Housing Supplement if the difference between the fair market value for a one-bedroom apartment in the county where the NMD resides is more than 21.45% of the statewide THP-NMD rate.

When NMD are placed outside of the placing county, the host county rate is paid.  (ACL 20-121, October 30, 2020.)

COVID-19 civil rights obligations

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) provides guidance to counties regarding meeting their civil rights obligations in emergency situations.  Civil rights laws remain in effect when counties take emergency actions such as closing physical offices to the public, shortening office hours, or requiring staff to work from home.

Counties must provide services and administer programs free of discrimination.  During emergencies there can be heightened fear and anxiety leading to increased acts of xenophobia, racism, ableism, transphobia and many other forms of prejudice toward protected classes.  Counties should remind their staff to be mindful of the additional stress and anxiety of their clients.  CDSS recommends that counties make statements that reaffirm their commitment to civil rights protections both internally among their staff and externally to the public.  CDSS also recommends that counties provide refresher trainings to staff on how to provide service in an inclusive, culturally appropriate and sensitive manner.

Counties should remind staff to use the name provided by a person, even if it is different from the name on their record.  County staff should not make assumptions about a person’s sex, gender, gender identity and/or sexual orientation based on their name, their gender expression, their spouse or partner’s name, or their voice, and should use gender neutral language to foster an inclusive environment, until and unless the individual has identified their gender.

It is important to remind staff that COVID-19 is not linked to any race or nationality, and that stigmatizing people because of race or nationality is unlawful.

Counties must ensure that clients are notified of and can obtain information about programs or program changes, including changes in response to emergencies such as shortening office hours or increasing availability of phone interviews.  Counties must publicize this information in understandable and diverse formats in the threshold languages required by law.  Counties must also adopt communication methods that are understandable to people with intellectual, cognitive and psychosocial impairments.

When offices are closed or have shortened hours, office-related activities must continue to meet accessibility and non-discrimination standards.

Services and programs must remain accessible to people with disabilities as counties make changes during an emergency.  If a county designates a location for pick up/drop off of applications and forms, it must comply with Americans with Disabilities Act regulations for physical accessibility.

During medical emergencies such as COVID-19, if persons are advised to stay home, counties should ensure live or recorded messages are available in American Sign Language, Teletypewriter, and Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, and include captioning.  Counties can also consider designating office hours for people with disabilities or other vulnerable people.

Documents and postings on social media with images should have captions and images should be inclusive and not stigmatize disability.

Counties must continue to provide accommodations for people who have vision, hearing or speech disabilities.  Counties must provide auxiliary aids and services when necessary to communicate effectively.

Counties must continue to offer reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities.  This obligation does not end at intake.  If a county staff member have actual knowledge of an individual’s disability or an individual’s need for an accommodation is obvious, the staff member must offer to assist the individual in self-identifying the disability and/or appropriate accommodations.  County staff should check for disability indicators in the case file prior to contact with the client.  Reasonable accommodations must be offered regardless of the method of contact. There is no limit on the amount of reasonable accommodation requests a person may make, and each request must be analyzed individually.

Counties must make sure they have adequate qualified interpreters and qualified translation services to assist Limited English Proficient individuals.  Counties must continue to maintain up-to-date lists of bilingual staff and remind staff of how to access these individuals.  Counties must also ensure that staff are trained in accessing alternate interpreter resources, including telephonic or video interpretation.

Clients maintain the right to file a discrimination complaint during an emergency or disaster.  Counties are reminded of their duty to actively receive and process civil rights complaints. Complaints can be made verbally or in writing.  Counties cannot require complainants to complete a form as a condition of filing a complaint.  (ACIN I-69-20, November 9, 2020.)

COVID-19 extended foster care

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued guidance regarding flexibility in Extended Foster Care, waivers of age and time limits for Transitional Housing Program-Plus and remote approval of Supervised Independent Living Placements.

Counties must temporarily continue maintenance payments for otherwise eligible non-minor dependents who do not meet any one of five participation criteria: completing secondary education or a program leading to an equivalent credential, enrolled in an institution which provides post-secondary or vocational education, participating in a program designed to promote or remove barriers to employment, employed at least 80 hours per month, or incapable of doing any of these because of a medical condition.

County caseworkers must continue to work with youth to help them to meet one of these participation criteria.

Caseworkers should continue to assist non-minor dependents by review of a previous Transitional Independent Living Plan and helping them to establish goals that meet their needs.

Counties must serve nonminors between age 18 and 21 requesting entry or reentry into extended foster care.  A nonminor’s inability to satisfy participation conditions because of COVID-19 is not a basis to deny entry or reentry into extended foster care because only nonminor’s intent to satisfy at least one participation condition is required.

A placing agency must offer the least-restrictive safe and appropriate available housing for a nonminor upon their entry or reentry into care.

Effective July 1, 2020, counties can complete Supervised Independent Living Placement inspections for non-minor dependents through methods other than in-person visit.

Any county decision to grant, deny, change or terminate payments to a non-minor dependent must be communicated by adequate written notice to the provider and/or non-minor dependent. (ACL 20-112, October 12, 2020.)