ACIN I-75-10E: Information On COLAs: Maximum SNAP Allotments, Standard Deduction, Shelter Deduction, Homeless Household Shelter Allowance, SUA, LUA, Income Eligibility Standards and Food Stamp Tables of Coupon Issuance – EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2010 (9/23/10)

Clarification of the income eligibility standards. Specifically, page three of ACIN I-75-10, under the heading
Income Eligibility Standards, states that “The Income Eligibility Standards have changed and the new amounts must be applied to allotments for October 2010.” This section should state that “The income eligibility standards for FFY 2010-11 remain unchanged. [Download]

ACIN I-75-10: Information On COLAs: Maximum SNAP Allotments, Standard Deduction, Shelter Deduction, Homeless Household Shelter Allowance, SUA, LUA, Income Eligibility Standards and Food Stamp Tables of Coupon Issuance – EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2010 (9/23/10)

New rates in effect as of 10/1/10.  The maximum allotments remain the same, but the income limits, standard deduction, maximum excess shelter rate, SUA and LUA have changed. [Download]