Clarification of the income eligibility standards. Specifically, page three of ACIN I-75-10, under the heading
Income Eligibility Standards, states that “The Income Eligibility Standards have changed and the new amounts must be applied to allotments for October 2010.” This section should state that “The income eligibility standards for FFY 2010-11 remain unchanged. [Download]
CDSS has proposed new rules to implement social worker home visits. Public comment closes November 17th. [Download]
Tips on how counties and tribal TANF folks can share confidential information, prevent duplicate aid, and facilitate acquiring time on aid data. [Download]
In response to a 2008 Federal Child and Family Services Review in which reviewers raised concerns regarding inconsistent practices in concurrent planning and reunification efforts, the ACIN suggests two strategies to improve matters. Includes a discussion of the use of Cultural Brokers and Parent Partners. [Download]