ACIN I-45-10: TANF Failure To Meet Work Participation Rate Requirements In Federal Fiscal Year 2008 (6/16/10)

The word is in from the feds: California (1) was
successful in meeting the 90% two-parent WPR requirement and (2) failed to meet the 50% All Families rate for FFY 2008. After caseload reduction credits, CA was only 3.9% away from meeting the all-family rate. Close but no cigar, so the penalty pass-on to the counties has been triggered. DSS, after finding no basis to challenge the finding, has decided to claim “reasonable cause” in order to mitigate the penalties. More to come… [Download]

ACL 10-31: Requirements For Interstate Placement Of Children Pursuant To Federal Safe And Timely Interstate Placement Of Foster Children Act Of 2006 (6/9/10)

A reminder to county Child Welfare Services/Probation agencies and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Adoptions District Offices (DOs) of the requirements of the Safe and Timely Interstate Placement of Foster Children Act of 2006. The timeframe is 60 days – no extensions. [Download]