Notice of the extension of eligibility for refugee services (Refugee Social Services, Targeted Assistance, and Office of Refugee Resettlement discretionary grant services) from the original 8 months to 60 months fro date of entry. Encourages counties to do outreach. [Download]
A reminder about the benefits of waiving the face to face interview, with a link to the California Food Policy Advocates helpful webpage on this issue. [Download]
This notice distributes the “Eleven-County Pilot Project Evaluation Final Report” regarding implementation of three child welfare strategies – Standardized Safety Assessment, Differential Response and Permanency and Youth Transition. [Download]
Provides the correct federal financial participation rate in the Specialized Care Rate program. The correct rate is 56.2%. [Download]
CAPI folks provide income and resource information on the Statement of Facts form (SOC 814) for new applicants, and on the SOC 804 at redetermination. However, the SOC 814 does not contain fields for the sponsor and the sponsor’s spouse’s information. CDSS came out with a “new” (since 12/09!) CAPI Sponsor’s Statement of Facts form (SOC 860) form, attached to this ACIN.
Counties are to begin using the SOC 860 immediately to determine initial or continuing eligibility. When there are multiple sponsors, a separate form should be provided for each sponsor. [Download]