ACWDL 10-06: Suspension of Medi-Cal benefits for incarcerated juveniles (3/23/10)

SB 1147 requires the suspension of Medi-Cal, rather than the termination of Medi-Cal eligibility, for individuals under age 21 who were Medi-Cal beneficiaries at the time that they became inmates of a public institution. Effective January 1, 2010, SB 1147 requires restoration of Medi-Cal benefits on the day an eligible juvenile is no longer an inmate of a public institution. This letter details the process for suspending benefits; it includes case examples and NOAs. [Download]

ACWDL 10-05: PARIS update (1/21/10)

This letter updates information provided in ACWDL 09-41 regarding the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) Interstate match. Some of the updates are:
1) When DHCS discontinues a beneficiary as a result of the residency verification program and the discontinued beneficiary established residency for any other household member CWDs must review the case file and collect residency verification for the spouse and/or dependents as appropriate.
2) When DHCS discontinues a beneficiary as a result of the residency verification program and the beneficiary furnishes satisfactory residency verification within 30 days of the effective date of discontinuance, CWDs must reinstate eligibility for the discontinued beneficiary.
3) If the beneficiary furnishes satisfactory residency verification after 30 days of the effective date of discontinuance, CWDs must request that the discontinued beneficiary submit a new Statement of Facts and additional application materials as necessary. CWDs must also request that the discontinued beneficiary submit an explanation for the receipt of public assistance benefits in another state and retain the explanation in the case file. [Download]

ACIN I-26-10: Cuban/Haitian Entrant Program And Temporary Protected Status For Haitian Nationals (4/8/10)

Bad news for earthquake displaced Haitians: The feds clarified that Office of Refugee Resettlement can be provided only to Haitians who are: parole status as a Haitian Entrants, paroled into the U.S. and has not acquired any other status; subject to removal, deportation, or removal proceedings but does not have a final, non-appealable order; has an application for asylum pending. Thus, although many Haitians got Temporary Protected Status, and may have work authorization, they are not eligible for ORR services. Nor are they eligible for food stamps. CDSS will issue information on CalWORKs eligibility later. [Download]

ACIN I-22-10: CalWORKs: Revised CW 2166 Work Pays Notice (4/6/10

New info on the “Work Pays” notice: The calculations have been updated using the current California minimum wage and new Maximum Aid Payment levels. The “job retention services section” was revised to clarify the period that those services are available after leaving CalWORKs. The EITC section has been expanded to include information on Advance EITC, receiving the EITC for prior tax years, and locating free help in filing a return. The reference to the “18 and 24-Month Time Limits” deleted. [Download]