ACL 10-02: Foster Family Agency Rates And Group Home Adjusted Point Ranges (1/29/10)

Information on the impact of Senate Bill (SB) 597, which modified the budget trailer bill provisions of AB X4, 4. AB X4 required a 10% reduction in the program rates for Foster Family Agencies (FFAs). Subsequently, SB 597 allowed FFAs the flexibility in how they apply the 10% rate reduction to their social work and administration, and provided that no more than 10% shall be deducted from the child base and increment. This letter provides a chart to reflect those rates.

However, nothing precludes FFAs from providing a payment to the certified parents in excess of the basic rate and child increment. The letter also provides a schedule with the FFA rates and components for FFAs providing treatment programs, and other information about these rates. It also includes a discussion of the rates for group homes, which are impacted by an injunction in California Alliance of Children and Family Services, which prohibited further reduction of the group rates. [Download]

H 2010-02: Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) & You Brochure – Requirements for Distribution and Use (1/11/10)

This HUD notice clarifies that owners and management agents of federally-subsidized or assisted multifamily developments must provide the HUD EIV & You brochure and HUD Fact Sheet entitled “How Your Rent is Determined” to each tenant household as well as to applicant households that have been selected from the waiting list for screening and final application processing. The EIV system is the central database from which housing authorities and the aforementioned owners/managements agents may obtain the income data of tenants and applicants. Through a matching agreement between HUD and HHS and SSA, EIV gathers and maintains wage, income and benefit information. Among other things, the brochure is intended to inform tenants and applicants that owners and managements agents have access to certain of their personal and income information. [To download, click here, and then click on the text next to Notice 2010-02.]

ACL 10-03: Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System (SFIS) Clarification; Victims Of Domestic Abuse; Photographing Clients And Fingerprint Imaging (1/14/10)

A review of the special procedures for clients who have changed their identities as a result of domestic abuse and clarification of the procedures for taking photograph and fingerprint images of clients with long fingernails or faces
partially obscured for photographing. (Because the photo image is not the primary identifier, the operator must not impose any requirements for a photograph even with partially blocked facial features.) [Download]