ACIN I-79-03E: Correction To ACIN I-79-03 Food Stamp Q&As (12/2/10)

Clarification of ACIN I-79-03, regarding the question about “Eligibility Determination Drug/Alcohol Treatment Facilities.” The CWD should not deny the case because the AR did not initiate the application. However, the certification needs to be done through the AR prior to authorizing aid. The AR is not required to apply in person for the household. The AR may file an application in person, by fax or other electronic transmission, by mail or by completing an on-line application on behalf of the household. (MPP section 63-300.3) [Download]

ACL 10-13: Elimination Of The Eight-Month Time Limit For Afghan And Iraqi Special Immigrants (11/16/10)

The Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2010 , enacted on December 19, 2009, extends benefits for Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrants (SI’s). These folks are now immediately and continuously eligible for SNAP benefits, and are treated as refugees, provided that other program eligibility requirements are met. They are no longer subject to the eight-month federal limit. The change in policy is effective immediately. SI recipients whose eight-month period expired and who were not eligible for or transitioned to CFAP must reapply, and their benefits are not retroactive. SI recipients who are currently in their eight-month certification period must be transitioned to federal CalFresh for their 12-month certification period; SI recipients who are receiving CFAP benefits must be transitioned to federal CalFresh; SI applicants or recipients who were denied, due to the expiration of their eligibility time period, on December 19, 2009 or thereafter should have their denials reconsidered to the extent they were otherwise eligible. [Download]

ACL 10-55: Implementation Of The Renaming Of The Food Stamp Program To CalFresh (11/23/10)

So, we had focus groups, we had marketing research, we got a new name. Here’s the “how to” of implementing CalFresh as our nom de guerre for Food Stamps, aka SNAP.  Counties are to phase in the new name as the state creates new forms and materials.  The Notice also provides information on how we got the name (“CalFresh” was chosen because it was described as representing a healthy lifestyle and a “fresh” new program… The tagline, “Better Food for Better Living,” moves people to proactively think about the kinds of food they purchase through the program and brings to mind the shift to purchasing healthy food with CalFresh benefits.”) The ACIN includes a stuffer to clients, and info that a “style guide” will be coming out soon. [Download]