ACIN I-02-10: Exclusion From Income and Resources/Payments To Certain Filipino World War II Veterans (1/26/10)

The ARRA created a Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund, which provides for certain veterans and the spouses of those veterans to receive a one-time payment of up to $15,000. The law specifies that these benefits are not to be used to determine eligibility for or amount of benefits in any federal program. The provisions were effective April 1, 2009. CWDs must determine if any retroactive payments were received since that time, but are only required to review cases for retroactive payments at recertification, or when it is discovered that a Filipino veteran received a payment from the Fund. CWDs must then determine if the payment not excluded, and take corrective action to restore benefits. [Download]

Regulations packets open for public comment

1) Division 31 Grievance Review Procedures
Public comment due by January 13, 2010 at 5:00 p.m
Regulations implementing Gomez settlement on grievance hearings to dispute listing of name on Child Abuse Central Index.

2) CalWORKs Intercounty Transfer Changes
Public comment period due by February 10, 2010 at 5:00 pm.
These proposed regulations will exempt non-needy caretaker relatives of a child who is a dependent of the court from the requirement of a face-to-face interview in their new county. They will also require CWDs to verify that the relative has been appropriately approved to care for the child, and is not receiving CalWORKs benefits for him or herself.