ACL 08-59: CalWORKs Subsidized Employment Claimed Under Assembly Bill 98 (11/14/08)

The ACL transmits the newly developed reporting form and instructions to report on AB 98 subsidized work. The first report month will be January 2009, with the final report month, December 2010. AB 98 provides for reimbursement to counties choosing to participate in this program. (Reimbursement is for 50% of the CalWORKs recipient’s wage subsidy, outside of the county Single Allocation, when the recipient is participating in subsidized employment.) In order for counties to claim the additional funds, the county program must limit wage subsidies to a maximum of six months for each recipient and the amount of wage subsidies claimed outside of the Single Allocation may not exceed 50 percent of the maximum aid payment for the assistance unit of which the recipient is a member. [Download]

ACIN I-91-08: Questions and Answers On California WrapAround Services (11/25/08)

Hot answers to those burning wraparound questions… (Wraparound is a process in which Counties provide family-based service alternatives to group home care. 40 California counties currently have implemented Wraparound and five counties actively planning for it.) Covers, “who is eligible;” funding source and rate issues; interaction with EPDST; family maintenance rules; interaction with welfare to work rules and Adoption Assistance programs… [Download]

ACL 08-50: Engagement Of CalWORKs Participants During Breaks In Assigned Activities (10/24/08)

This contradictory letter confirms that ACL 99-65, which directed counties to treat as CalWORKs participation “holiday periods of one week or less, if the employer, provider or work activity site is not open” remains in effect, yet states that counties may, and are encouraged to, assign participants to bridging activities during periods when the participants’ normal activities are temporarily unavailable, including holiday breaks. [Download]