ACIN I-29-07: CalWORKs Maximum Family Grant (MFG) Requirement Reminder (5/5/07)

A much needed once-over of the MFG rules.  The letter notes that counties must provide the CW 2102 MFG informing notice form at application and each subsequent annual redetermination. Failure to issue/get the form signed at an annual redetermination that was at least 10 months prior to the birth of the child renders the MFG rule inapplicable.  Prior to applying the rule, the worker is to determine if there was a 2 months or longer break in aid, or the family met another exception.  The letter contains several examples, as well as a reminder that counties must provide interpretive services and written translations, as appropriate. [Download]

ACIN I-17-07: CalWORKs: Retroactive $50 Child Support Disregard (4/6/07)

In the “Better late than never,” category, CDSS announces that it this past February, the Department  of Child Support Services (DCSS) sent out retroactive $50 child support disregards, to compensate for the failure to timely credit and issue payments in the transition between Local Child Support Agencies and DCSS.  A reminder that the retroactive payments (as well as the regular ones) are disregarded as income for both CalWORKs and Food Stamps.  And, as an added bonus, recipients “shall not be discontinued for failure to report” the retro payment, presumably a reference to accepting a QR 7 as complete whether or not the retro payment is reported.   [Download]

ACIN I-11-07: Supplemental Forms and Food Stamp/CalWORKs (3/27/07)

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but never a Pre-screening and Supplemental form shall meet. This ACIN discusses the difference between a Pre-Screening form (prohibited if asking eligibility questions prior to application ) and a Supplemental form (fine and dandy if “gathering information needed to begin an interactive interview after the application is signed”).  It’s also fine to get information unrelated to the application/eligibility for purposes of referrals to other offices/programs. [Download]