The new Minimum Basic Standard of Need and Aid in Kind levels. [Download]
The new Minimum Basic Standard of Need and Aid in Kind levels. [Download]
Corrections to ACL 08-50, clarifying that bridging activities must be in the written WTW plan, and consistent with the identified work goals. [Download]
The word is in from the feds: California (1) was
successful in meeting the 90% two-parent WPR requirement and (2) failed to meet the 50% All Families rate for FFY 2008. After caseload reduction credits, CA was only 3.9% away from meeting the all-family rate. Close but no cigar, so the penalty pass-on to the counties has been triggered. DSS, after finding no basis to challenge the finding, has decided to claim “reasonable cause” in order to mitigate the penalties. More to come… [Download]
The state has made changes the time on aid tracking system. The Office of the Inspector General and subsequent direction from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) required a change in California’s interpretation of the TANF hardship rule, necessitating modifications in the funding and claiming instructions. Aid codes 32 and 3W are now state-only funding. These changes required a change in the state’s time on aid tracking system as well. These cases are now not listed on the federal time on aid chart, nor do they count against the state’s 20% hardship limit. [Download]
Clarification on the eligibility of older youth to participate in TANF ECF funded subsidized employment programs. Needed to correct the upper age for older youth, including emancipated youth who are no longer in
the foster care system, to 24 years of age and under (not “under 24 years of age.”) [Download]
The schedule and what to expect as the new SFIS vendor distributes the new equipment. [Download]