ACL 09-19: In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) And County Welfare Department Agencies Operating A Public Authority (4/2/09)

A state law change affects financial participation in wages and health benefits for IHSS Public Authority (PA) counties. It reduces the level of state participation in IHSS Individual Providers’ wages and health benefits, from $12.10 to $10.10 per hour, effective July 1, 2009. The ACIN describes the process for implementing this change, including that Counties must submit a Rate Change Request to reduce the wages and health benefits to the $10.10 state participation level no later than May 1, 2009. Counties which opt to remain above the $10.10 state participation level will have a different sharing ratio for the amounts over $10.10. [Download]

ACIN I-89-08: Revised SOC 824 Quarterly Report And Instructions (11/26/08)

Some instructions to address two issues with the Quarterly Report on Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) for Personal Care Services Program (PCSP), IHSS Plus Waiver (IPW) and IHSS Residual (IHSS-R) Program. (Let’s hear it for shorter program names!) 1. Reviewed cases for which a final determination of status was not completed within the reporting quarter – accounting for those cases lacking a final determination caused a discrepancy in the math. 2. Federal reporting requirements mandate that counties be allowed to report their level of compliance with the Individual Emergency Back-Up Plan (see ACL 07-08). The SOC 824 was revised to allow for this accounting/reporting. [Download]

ACIN I-44-08: Severe Weather Emergency Response Plan Protocols For IHSS And Adult Protective Services (APS) Recipients (6/9/08)

Just in time for hot weather days, this ACIN discusses coordinating with local and county agencies to ensure the safety of IHSS and APS recipients/consumers, in case of a severe weather-related emergency. The letter describes the three phases of heat-related emergencies. Phase II in this series is considered a Heat Alert which can be triggered by a issuance (by listed agencies) of an Excessive Heat Warning, or predictions of power outages, electrical blackouts, or rotating blackouts during periods of high heat. A Phase III is considered a Heat Emergency, which is when a local/regional/state government declares an emergency. There are also Phases for Cold Weather…

The Adult Programs Branch (APB) will issue an electronic alert to County Welfare Directors, Public Authorities and County IHSS/APS Program Managers during a Phase II Heat alert or other prolonged severe weather emergency. CDSS staff will also be available to advise counties and coordinate with State OES as necessary. In the event of Phase III of the Heat Plan or Phase II and Phase III of the Extreme Cold-Freeze Plan , APB will contact the affected counties to determine whether emergency contingency plans have been activated and what steps have been taken to ensure client safety. When the County gets an APB alert, staff should refer to their local emergency response plans. (And those counties without a plan are “encouraged” to make one!) The local plan should include procedures that the county will follow to identify and produce a targeted list of the most vulnerable populations for immediate use. The letter goes on to describe options and resources.

ACL 08-18: Phase One In-Home Supportive Services Social Worker Training Questions/Comments And Answers (4/23/08)

This letter transmits policy clarification on questions/comments raised during Phase One training of the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), Social Worker Training Academy. The Key Question is # 22: Is time allowed to accompany recipients to medical appointments that are not local? (YES!) Other topics include minimum number of hours; can a worker increase time-per-task hours, based on assessed need (thankfully concluding “yes”); the interaction between Functional Ability” and an available spouse; when is a spouse “available” (including when non-married folks get treated as spouses); when pro-rating of meal time and domestic chores may be done; maintenance exercise may be done outside the home; no IHSS for people who are homeless; terminating a case for not having a provider (no can do); no limit on the number of providers; and no hours allowed after recipient’s death. And, just to make you remember what a cumbersome program this is: No time for toe/finger nail cutting (with scissors or clippers) is permissible, and can be claimed under Medi-Cal only if performed by a podiatrist. [Download]

ACIN I-23-08: IHSS Provider Direct Deposit (PDD) (3/27/08)

This ACIN provides descriptions of outreach and enrollment activities that will occur prior to implementation, the ongoing processes for administering PDD and modifications to CMIPS screens that will allow counties to identify payments made to providers via PDD.  The CDSS will be implementing PDD on May 1, 2008, as an optional way for providers to receive their IHSS payroll warrants.  Providers who wish to continue to receive their pay warrants in the mail do not need to return the Provider Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change/Cancellation form or take any other action.  Our buddies at EDS will distribute and process all PDD mailings, as well as enrollments, changes and cancellations.  When a deposit fails, EDS will request issuance of a paper warrant to the provider and the provider will be required to re-enroll in PDD.  [Download]

ACIN I-21-08: Child Abuse Central Index (CAPI) Grievance Hearing Instructions (3/16/08)

The Gomez v. Saenz lawsuit settlement provided individuals with the opportunity to challenge their listing on the Child Abuse Central Index (CACI), and created grievance hearing procedures for this purpose. This ACIN lists the new grievance hearing requirements, pending approval of the regulations on this issue. It covers advising individuals of their right to the hearing and the process, the nature of the request form, scheduling of the hearing, and how the hearing will be conducted. [Download]