ACL 04-30 – Regulations to Implement Quarterly Reporting (July 26, 2004)

Effective July 1 (okay, so they weren’t issued until three weeks later), the QR regs are officially in place, with links in the ACL to the actual regs. What’s new since the ACL? A QR 7 report of a decrease of income shall be treated as a mid-quarter report (i.e. your bennies can go up), and any starting or increase in other income (like getting UI when you lose your job) doesn’t count till the next quarter; when seeing if adding a person to an AU/HH mid-quarter results in an increase in benefits, the county must use the AU/HH’s existing anticipated income, not recalculate it; when a change in exempt/non-exempt MAP status would occur under QR, and more! (Yes, Virginia, you DO need to read these.)

And while we’re at it: these regulations are open for public comment, due August 25th. [Download]