Katrina Food Stamp Administrative Notices

FNS has put out two notices. AN 05-27 reviews the “expectations” for expedited services for Hurricane evacuees. Of note: 1 day (not 7, not 3) issuance of expedited food stamps, and review of its two new Food Stamp policies: the National Enhanced Policy for the first month of application and the Expanded Disaster Evacuee Policy for additional months. (California has developed a special application, page 5.)

For applications received through October 31, 2005, the National Enhanced Policy allows for a one-month allotment based on household size and evacuee status, no other criteria need be considered. For the Expanded benefits, cases can be certified, with postponed verification, up through December, 2005. The household composition, work registration/program, and ABAWD rules are also suspended through December, 2005.