ACL 08-54: Instructions Regarding The Supplement To The Rate Paid On Behalf Of A Dual Agency Child (12/1/08)

This ACL provides instructions and a form for determining eligibility for, and the appropriate level of the supplement to, the regular “dual-agency” rate. The supplement is based on “extraordinary care and supervision needs”. (A dual agency child is a child receiving Foster Care or Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) benefits and who is concurrently a consumer of California regional center services due to a developmental disability, and/or a child receiving services under the California Early Start Intervention Services Act.) The children must be three years of age and older to be eligible for the supplement; counties have sole discretion to determine a supplement, which cannot exceed $1,000 per month. The ACL also has a Q & A section, and reviews the use of the “Supplement to the Rate Eligibility Form (SOC 836).” [Download]