ACIN 1-02-09: Federal Family Unification Program (1/5/09)

In this hard economic time, some good news. $20 million in new Section 8 vouchers through the federal Family Unification Program (FUP) is now available. The funds are for families for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in the removal, or imminent separation, of children from their families; and youth who are at least 18 years old but not yet 22, who left foster care at age 16 or older, and lack adequate housing. (Youth only qualify for a voucher for a maximum of 18 months.)

Although child welfare agencies certify eligible recipients for the vouchers, public housing authorities are the only eligible applicants for funding. The Housing Authority must submit its application to HUD by 1/28/09. There must be an MOU between the child welfare agency and the housing authority. Includes resource links. [Download]