ACL 11-06: Sponsor Deeming, Indigent Noncitizen Determination And Sponsor Income Verification (1/12/11)

The long awaited for clarifying letter on indigent sponsor deeming in CalFresh. FNS clarified that California’s policy was not correct, and the letter rescinds it. Counties cannot request verification of income from the sponsor prior to making the indigency determination, based on income actually received. If the immigrant reports receiving income from the sponsor, but the sponsor won’t verify it, the county is to accept an affidavit. Reviews “opting out” and how to treat immigrants who choose not to apply for themselves, and that there is never deeming to children (and other deeming limits.  Counties, when taking action on cases, or at recertification, are to reviews sponsored noncitizens cases to see if they were inappropriately denied an indigent exemption. If so, the county should issue corrective benefits. [Download]