ACIN I-36-04 – Cuban/Haitian Entrant Program And Entrant Cash Assistance (June 4, 2004)

Clarifies Cuban/Haitians who are eligible for cash-aid, as those: (1) with parole status pending or granted any other special status subsequently established, regardless of the status of the individual at the time assistance or services are provided; (2) paroled into the United States and have not acquired any other status; (3) subject of removal, deportation or exclusion, but who do not have a final order; or (4) have a pending asylum application. (No. 4 is a biggie, as asylum applicants are normally not eligible for CalWORKs.) [Download]

ACIN I-38-04 – CalWORKs Welfare-To-Work Inter-County Transfers (ICT) (6/4/04)

The long-awaited for, but not so pleasant guidelines from the state on developing and approving WTW plans and providing supportive services to CalWORKs recipients who move from one county to another. “CDSS encourages counties to make every effort to help the individual make a smooth and expeditious transition …” The “receiving” (new) County is, within the 30-day ITC period, to establish a CalWORKs WTW case and ensure participation. During this time, the county “can” do an assessment, and review the previous CalWORKs WTW plan, if one was completed, and determine that plan remains appropriate, given the labor market and available resources in the “new” county. If so, the county should refer the individual to that activity, “when feasible.” If a specific activity is appropriate, but not available, the county should refer the individual to a “comparable activity.” If the old plan is no longer appropriate, the county must determine the appropriate WTW activity and amend the plan. Continuation in the original welfare to work plan is specifically stated as being solely within the county’s discretion. The ACIN sets out some considerations, though to guide this discretion, including items not found in the statute or regs, such as whether “the training location is within the norm of how far other people in the same county customarily travel for training or for work,” whether the individual complied with the requirements of his or her current program “in a manner that leads the county to believe that he or she will successfully complete the program,” and whether the individual will be able to complete the current activity within a reasonable period of time. The county should also determine the appropriate support services during the ITC period. [Download]

ACIN I-29-04 – Quarterly Reporting Q & As (May 20, 2004)

More fun from the world of quarterly reporting. With a mid-quarter report, when is a person approved/denied (mid-quarter or when reported on the QR-7)? When the county approves or denies! How to determine quarter cycle for ITC’s, supplements vs. offsetting Overpayments, dealing with inconsistencies between no-change mid-quarter reports and the QR-7, multiple changes within a quarter, etc. Notable for being the first to deal with Tribal TANF issues (some opted not to do). [Download]

ACL 04-19 – Policy Changes To The Quarterly Reporting System (June 1, 2004)

Clarifies the limited circumstances under which counties can use the “conversion factor” (2.37 or 4.33) for less than monthly income payments. (It’s limited to when income is certain, will repeat in same payment manner.) This changes aspects of the “fluctuating income” info in the original QR ACL. [Download]