ACL 04-04 – Q’s and A’s re: CalWORKs Ancillary Support Services (corrected letter, January 26, 2004)

At long last, another Q and A on support services, squeezed out just before CDSS terminated all advocate workgroups due to the budget. Carry this one around with you, as it goes over a lot of ground. Of note: Counties are reminded that they must explain what ancillary support services means, how to get ‘em, and the availability of advance payment. Capping, school supplies and financial aid, high cost items, disability accommodations, support services post 18-24 months, you name it, it’s here! [Download]

ACL 04-07 – Retroactive Child Care Final Regulations (March 5, 2004)

Remember that lovely bill that eliminated retroactive child care support services Stage One payments for CalWORKs subsidized child care? Well, the final regs are out, with some changes from the emergency regs that went into effect February 2nd. Counties are now “encouraged” to inform families orally of the availability of child care subsidies and required to provide the county’s child care request form upon request. (Bad news is the counties have 10 days, up from five, to process the child care requests.) [Download]

ACIN I-07-04 – CAPI for Refugees Discontinued from SSI (January 28, 2004)

Remember that odd provision of Welfare Reform that limited Refugee (and asylee, and Cuban/Haitians, etc.) eligibility to federal benefits to seven years, on the theory that people would just naturally flow into citizenship (at $300 bucks a pop!)? Well, the time’s up and people are getting bumped off. This ACIN tells counties how to process these unlucky elderly and disabled immigrants. Basically, if the person is discontinued for immigration status, and 65 or over, they’re in. If under 65, CAPI will accept the SSI disability determination. (If a medical reevaluation is due, the person will get on CAPI, but then be re-evaluated). If the discontinuance is for disability cessation, the immigrant must apply and qualify based on a regular CAPI application/disability determination. [Download]

DHS ACL 03-41 – Medi-Cal Midyear Status Report (MSR) (July 8, 2003)

SB X1 26 implemented midyear reporting requirements effective August 1, 2003 for some Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Beneficiaries that are exempt from the MSR requirements include children under age 21, persons whose basis for eligibility is their status as aged, blind or disabled, and pregnant women whose eligibility is based on pregnancy. Beneficiaries required to report will receive a MSR in the mail and must return it by the 5th day of the next month. The form asks the beneficiary either to report no changes by checking one box or to report changes by answering several questions. No documentation is required to be sent in with the MSR. Click here for more information about the form, reporting requirements, and potential problems. [Download]

DHS ACL 03-45 – Elimination of the Second Year of Transition Medi-Cal (September 10, 2003).

AB 1672 eliminated the state-only second year of Transitional Medi-Cal program effective October 1, 2003. Letter reviews the procedures for sending Discontinuance of Benefits Notice of Action to beneficiaries that will be terminated. Advises counties to determine whether a terminated family has a member who may have linkage to other Medi-Cal programs, e.g., disabled, child(ren) have an absent or deceased parent. [Download]